New Publisher Unveils Breakthrough Line

NEW YORK - (MFPI) - Jan 28, 1995 - Cognitec/3rd Force Books, a division of 3rd Force Software, Inc., today announced plans to launch an aggressive new line of "generic multi-best-sellers."

Speaking on a scratchy, hand-delivered videotape, 3rd Force spokesman, Most Fucked-Up Person Alive, claimed the new genre would redefine the very notion of "content" itself and, thus, revolutionize world stupidity at a most fundamental level.

"We've developed several new proprietary technologies," the synthesized voice on the tape said, "Which allow us to pack the content and sales potential of 2 or 3 best-selling books into a single *mega*-best-selling book.

"And, because of the advanced fiction-generation software we use, we can churn out both fiction *and* non-fiction titles almost at will, with only minimal intervention by a small group of author/editors who, collectively, take responsibility for the final shape of all our books.

"Because there are no greedy superstar authors to pay," the artificial voice continued, "And no research or permissions involved, we can produce and sell these books at one-half to one-third the price of normal, boring, Johnny-one-note best-sellers."

Cognitec/3rd Force Books has already announced an aggressive timetable for new releases during 1995, and expects to have driven most other publishers and authors out of business by early '96.

"Within a few months," the spokesvoice said, "We should have enough book product in the pipeline, to be able to turn our attention elsewhere. It's clear the same techniques and the same software can be applied to motion picture production as well as music, TV, politics, and human relations, and I think by maybe the end of '97 or by mid-'98, we will have achieved our ultimate goal of the eradication of all culture."

Copyright (c) 1995 by Cognitec/3rd Force Software, Inc.,
all rights reserved.


Last updated: 3/9/95, 1:10 am, by: