Acid     The
Monday, June 7, 2004
Digital Assist
source: Digital Cosmetic Digest
posted: Jun 7, 2004, 12:01 am
by: djs
We are speaking to you today from deep inside a consumer market haze, where value propositions are made and broken at every clock tick, and where the unstemmed tide of SKU proliferation makes it hard to make every cost category count.

From the inside, though, you can easily see what people are carping about and why they hate so much. It is the inadequacy of cosmetics -- first in terms of raw quantity, but even more in terms of raw cosmetic power. People today are incensed because cosmetics do not go far enough. In this burnt-out world of EXTREME!!!! dog food, "Where are the EXTREME!!! Cosmetics??!!" the people are screaming.

And where THE FUCK are the digital cosmetics? Where are cosmetics that pixilate the whole body, then re-project a modified (photo-shopped) version only a few nanometers ahead behind above and below the leading edge parts of the hard-wired old-fashioned flesh and clothes, shoes and hair. At the very least, cosmetically speaking, you should be able to project some shitty avatar from some lo-res online virtual world of 1997, around your boring corporeal being and then let the other non-virtual, non-digital, non-extreme-cosmetized "individuals" out there sort it out. It's THEIR problem now. not yours.

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