Favorite Authors' Favorite Books

Samuel Beckett Franz Kafka William Burroughs Beckett Arthur Rimbaud Kafka JD Salinger Burroughs Thomas Pynchon Rimbaud Jack Kerouac Salinger Kathy Acker

L-F Celine Kerouac Most Fucked-Up Person Alive Pynchon Dostoyevsky William Gibson Celine Alain Robbe-Grillet Fucked-Up Person Alive
Sam Beckett Franz Kafka Bill Burroughs JD Salinger Arthur Rimbaud Jack Kerouac Tom Pynchon Kathy Acker Louis-Ferdinand Celine Most Fucked-Up Person Alive

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Favorite Authors' is #2 in the series Robot Poetry: Poems for Robots Only copyright (c) 1996 by Jesus H. Cohen