The Last CD-ROM

Truth-or-Consequences, NM, US --

Now that CD-ROM sales are essentially dead, you better get this disc fast, before it's too late. Just play it through once, and when it's done, it cleans up your mistake of ever having gotten involved with CD-ROM in the first place.

It does this by gently dissolving your CD-ROM drive and interface card, and creating, from the waste products, the additional 16 Megs of RAM you should have bought instead, to begin with.

And it's available for a free test drive only here on the Mike Rosoff Network.

Or come by our public Web Site where you can look at pictures of the packaging materials we use, and listen in real-time to the ambient sound from our shipping department as we prepare your order. http://seedy.rom/drive/he_said.html

-- Arthur C. Crack

(exclusive to the Mike Rosoff Network)