The Last Web Site

Consequences or Consequences, NM, US --

Well, now that the hype is gone, and all the tech and media companies have cut their losses and fled the web en masse, and college students have found other diversions, and Yahoo and NCSA and GNN have all shut down...

One page will be left standing as a repository for all the leftover net.hopes and net.dreams that never got much past GIF one.

It'll also serve as a place to collect the smirking condolences sent by mock-grieving corporate and world leaders from all across the spectrum of material and power. (Netscape Van Lines called it, "Moving!!")

And of course, it'll all be housed here, at the Mike Rosoff Network as just one more of the many public services we perform on behalf of our members and the rest of civilization.

Watch for the announcement of the official opening of the site, this month, in "What's New on the Mike Rosoff Network."

-- Kirk Vomit, Jr.

(exclusive to the Mike Rosoff Network)