Member Update:

Dear Member,

Welcome to the lowest dimension of space. The dimension where evolution is so stupid, it can only proceed by violence

Fortunately, we have the nontent and the nontext to fully program the People's Misanthrope Anti-tainment Notwork.

Please, then, drive while sleeping and let your stream of nonciousness flow. Let your nonscience be your guido.

P.S. And if you're like me, and don't even have time to exist, then please enter our "Depth Row" Nontest where we provide the 4 basic life groups, and you do the rest.

And what are the 4 basic life groups? They are, 1) "So much stupidity, so little time," and 3 others.

Thank you for continuing to support the Mike Rosoff Network despite our many shortcomings, which, of course are not to be confused with the shortcomings of our members.


