>>System Error 47<<
This link has not yet been created
or the file referenced is unavailable
or its legality is still being adjudicated
or its meaning is still being debated
or its ramifications are still being studied
or its utility is undergoing reassessment
or it has been disconnected for lack of use
or has been disconnected for overuse
or for just plain abuse
or it is being retrofitted for a new language
or a new paradigm
or it has been unilaterally withdrawn for unknown reasons
or for known but illogical reasons
or for known and understandable reasons
or it was fundamentally an error to put it here in the first
place, but now, having done so, it would only further compound
the error to remove it without indicating that it once had been
here but was removed because it was just another fucking error --
in an endless stream of errors....
So why not just forget about it.
Let it go.
Light up an avocado.
Throw out all past preconceptions.
Let go of meaningless desire.
Break the bonds of material possession.
Break the shackles of lies about spirit.
Let go of the suicide called culture.
And select one of the links below, to start all over again. From scratch.
Fresh. New. Unencumbered. No more bullshit.
the C/3F
What Snooze Page:
COOLs -- Treatment of choice for the NCSA OD.
System Error 47 is Copyright (c) 1995 by Cognitec/3rd Force
Software, Inc., but may be copied or duplicated provided this copyright
notice and the URL http://digimark.net/mfu/ accompanies each file or
printout, and no money is charged.
Last updated: 4/18/95, 6:35 am,
by: joekay2@well.com