overnight, into a highly-trained bunch of
lame assholes -- just jerkin' around in a
highly professional manner.
At the end of a trial period, I was administered the oath: I hereby solemnly swear to abide by all the unwritten and esoteric laws and unspoken moralities of the Nuclear Proliferators Anonymous team, and to, therefore, never peel the topmost layer off a video display, revealing organic tubing, hair, viscera, and rancid human fluids stewing in a dish, underneath. And I will always do my best to try to be a little unambiguous, every so often, and to not always be trying to sneak in plugs for our top-grossing |
film: "Stupidity Lays Out A Powerful Truth." Amen.
Since I was the most empty and unbiased person on the squad or on the planet, as well as the most politically, sexually, and economically neutral -- with no axe to grind except the one about the axe itself -- my first assignment was to implement the Las Vegas Accords. This planet-wide treaty provided for the immediate rocketing of all nuclear-tipped missiles into the sun, where nobody'd even notice or care.