If you are pissed off and would like to complain to the
Slate Tech support guy, you can send him letters at
slatetech@msn.com -- But STALL is in no way responsible
for what he might say to you.
Blah blah
The last issue of STALL was really outstanding. In fact, I feel bad reading it for free. Is there a way I can pay you for this?
-- Joanne Abercrombie, Lansing
Blah blah
-- Ron Fitch, Sequoia, NH |
Blah blah
The last issue of STALL, to coin a phrase, really sucked. I didn't get around to reading the content (as you so presciently recommended) but the structure and graphic design were, you know, atrocious. Even if your content were any good, I wouldn't wanna read it. I dare you to make people pay money for this crap.
-- Michael Kinsley, Topeka, KS.
Blah blah
-- Rebecca Kramer, Swampscot, MA |
Blah blah
Wow. Excellent Writing. excellent design. incredible structure. powerful ideas. I only have one squabble. Michael de Verona stated that Gerald Ford committed suicide on July 5, when, in fact, it was the 6th. Other than that, I've found no mistakes in your zine, and everything you've said has proven to be true. Also, enclosed find one check for $150 -- which is what I think your first issue was worth.
-- Sandy Warhol, Topeka, KS.
Blah blah
-- Neil Young, Davenport, IA |