Acid     The
Thurssday, October 7, 2004
Different-Sex Marriage: Puke! Vomit!
source: Different-Sex Digest
posted: Oct 7, 2004, 1:01 PM
by: jhc
History has shown that when people of different sexes try to have marriages with each other, it always ends in tragedy and despair.

Ditto religion.

But the different-sex marriage lobby, the most powerful lobby in the world (and could blow your head clean off) will blow the heads clean off anybody who tries to oppose this virulent satanic abomination, and so History is a prison with maybe 70% of all its inmates railroaded into different-sex marriage yet who, when you see their pictures, are obviously forcing the smiles they show the camera, because inside they are having that feeling you get in the stomach and ribs when this is wrong but somehow you have to go ahead and do it anyway because, though it's wrong, doing it is the right thing to do.

So how can this be happening in a free land?

Maybe what we call cognition is just a parody of cognition, and therefore, even if perception "accurately" transduces oscillations in a couplea different modalities pseudo-simultaneously (like walking and chewing gum), what it all sums to at the back of the brain is still a parody of understanding.

The response to which is a parody of emotion which induces a parody of behavior that goes out and elicits a parody of reaction which is perceived and parodied by cognition and the cycle starts all over again, but down 1 level this time because what parody is operating on is already a (first-order) parody.

At this new level, however, which society was constructed to not let you go to no matter what and that's why scumbags were invented, at this new level, a parody cognition of a parody cognition results in a neo-reality far "crisper" and far more "robust" (heuuuuung) than the original because all the imperfections have been pushed up in the first round of parody, and then lopped off in the second round where reality is also restored -- something like the Dolby process of sound manipulation or shaving commercials.

Of course some of the original highs have been lopped off (collateral damage) too.

So where does that leave reality, i.e. different-sex marriage. Could this abomination be just a parody of the real marriage, the original marriage, the no-sex marriage, where instead of joining a parody of a male called a man, and a parody of a female called a woman, instead of joining them together in holy matrimony, a red-faced Disney is forced to discontinue its suicide bomber ride altogether because of repeated complaints by patrons that it just isn't realistic (i.e. bloody) enough?

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