Acid     The
Tuesday, March 8, 2005
Social Security
source: Cigar Butt Aficionado
posted: Mar 8, 2005, 9:01 AM
by: 547-45-3764
You know, all I ever wanted to be was just a lazy no good good-for-nothing worthless bum. Not strive, not seek, not achieve, not try to do or be anything, just do as absolutely little as possible to just get by, and always be hanging on a string over the abyss of purely ceasing to exist at all.

But noooooooooooooo!

Because, even if you just wanna be on the bottom rung -- and even if you wanna be on the lowest part of the bottom rung -- and even if all you wanna do is just simply not give a shit -- even then there's still a royal court of lazy bums, and an entrenched hierarchy of lazy worthlessness, and you have to get in line, and act according to ancient protocol, and look just right and talk just right and say just the right thing at just the right time, and not slip up, and not fuck up, and not look the wrong way at the wrong person. And you have to do this for years and years.

I mean, YOU STILL HAVE TO PAY YOUR FUCKING SO-CALLED DUES just to be even the lowliest piece of shit in this world.

So that when someone asks you what you do and you say I'm just a no good good-for-nothing worthless lazy bum, they can't say, well so's my brother but he's so much lazier than you are and good for much less than nothing -- so you're obviously not much of a lazy good-for-nothing bum, are you? -- and, in fact, you're probably just faking it. Just a poseur. Just a wannabe. Trying to be a no good good-for-nothing worthless lazy bum, when really, down deep inside, you're really some piece of shit high-achieving workaholic aristocrat with 30-page resumes of degrees and awards and ass-licking letters of recommendation from world leaders and leading authorities. So why don't you just go back where you belong, and stop trying to be something you're not, yuh fuckin' loser.

So if it's that much work and that much pain and punishment and mental torture just to be the vapid lazy good-for-nothing lowest piece of shit in this world, then you might as well just go ahead and be the most exalted, the most acclaimed, and the absolute highest piece of shit in this world: The President of the United States in a 10-foot square gold bathtub of shimmering liquid crystal meth, tossing nerf nuclear footballs around with ex-high school quarterback secret service men, and nonstop skin-popping all the angel dust the FDA and DEA can provide and the Social Security "trust" fund can buy.

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