Acid     The
Sunday, June 6, 2004
The Trial
source: court TV
posted: Jun 6, 2004, 12:01 am
by: djs
The judge flew over the city today in a hot-air balloon. When all traffic and other noises had been quieted below by police on the ground and the people were all hanging out their apartment windows or up on their roofs, the judge put the bullhorn to his mouth and shouted, "In the testimony you are about to give, do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you?" And the 5 million members of the citizenry down below in their homes and on the street all shouted back in as near-unison as could be expected, "I do,"

The judge said "be seated," and the entire city had been sworn in. Then another larger hot air baloon came along, holding the jury. But the start of the trial had to be delayed several minutes while a member of the defense team was called back from an overlong stay at the bottom of a bungee jump from the attorneys' balloon.

Then the witness box blew past. It was in an F-16.

Case dismissed.

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