Acid     The
Friday, March 18, 2005
Say Yes to YES!
source: Emerson, Lake, and Palmeiro
posted: Mar 18, 2005, 1:01 PM
by: Rebecca Sunnybrook
No more NO!

From now on, it's all YES!

YES! to bringing everything down.

YES! to smashing the bourgeoisie, the aristocracy, the working class, the peasantry, the intelligentsia and the professionals, artisans, bureaucrats, and politicians.

YES! to smashing the military and religion and the police and the FBI and the arts and sciences and authority and power.

YES! to strategically-placed nuclear explosions in outer space to reverse the direction of cosmic expansion and send the universe back to where it fucking belongs: absolute fucking zero.

YES! to no more being an ignorant fucking digit in the vast computation known as why there is something instead of nothing.

YES! to towns named Nowhere and Wrongsidedown.

YES! to not knowing where you stand or who you are and not knowing what the fuck you're doing, or why.

YES! to forgetting everything that ever happened.

YES! to no days, no streets, no time, no money.

YES! to irresponsibility.

YES! to spectacles of competition between rotting corpses only.

YES! to entertainment admitting it's just necessity made safe, absurd, and dumb.

And YES! to whatever. And YES! to whatever fucking else. Because there is just so much to say YES! to in this glorious fucking world. And so there's just NO EXCUSE for EVER being all down and bummed and pissed and negative and bitter and thinking, like, how everything's just an immense load of shit that can NEVER be shoveled away.

Because, YES! the load of shit CAN all be shoveled away. YES! one person CAN make a difference. YES! you CAN achieve ANYTHING. YES! you CAN single-handedly bring about the end of civilization, the end of man, the end of the earth, and the end of the cosmos and time.

Because, YES! love DOES exist. And, YES! you CAN wipe out this worthless shit, EVERYTHING, with its power.

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