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Thursday, July 15, 2004
Saints Preserve
source: Religion and Ethics Weakly
posted: July 15, 2004, 9:01 am
by: djs
Two people are talking on a desperate beach in tropical paradise III.

They have momentarily separated themselves from the others on the retreat. The retreat is for people who are trying to enter the backdoor to sainthood by being the biggest scumbags they can be.

This approach to sainthood is based on the theory that if you incessantly push the boundaries of brutality, stupidity, and just being an all around scumbag, eventually there comes a point where people will say "NOBODY could be that brutal and stupid and that much of a scumbag -- this guy (or gal) must really be some really weird new kind of saint -- testing us -- or showing us how really awful being a scumbag can be and so therefore we shouldn't all go out and be any kind of scumbag whatsoever."

However, as everyone knows, this is the most dangerous road to sainthood because so few are chosen. And so 99.999% of those who apply to become saints and check the box that says they're gonna get there by being their own inner biggest scumbag will not succeed at becoming saints no matter how hard they try or even how deserving they are, and so, then, will be left with nothing, NOTHING, other than just to continue on being just the same utter fucking scumbags they have worked so hard at being in the now dashed hopes of becoming its utter fucking-most opposite, because now they don't know anything else.

Julie, one of the two people on the beach says to Faye, the other, "I think we're the two biggest scumbags here. None of those other losers are ever gonna become saints, because half of them don't know the first thing about being REAL scumbags."

Faye says, "which means that if they actually did get to become saints, they wouldn't know the first thing about doing THAT either, whereas you and I know that as soon as WE become Saints the first thing we're gonna do is just get sooooo Laaaaaaaaayed...."

"By like everything that moves," says Julie.

"And I like so fucking wanna get out of this world too," says Faye. "Especially because" -- and she motions to the other members of the retreat out on Boat 5 in the Ocean -- "when those losers find out they aren't gonna be saints, the world is gonna have these people roaming around in it who are not only failed saints but they're also failed scumbags."

"Whoa!" says Julie, "Watch out for that shit!"

"And the real reason I wouldn't wanna stay in the world with those failed scumbags," says Faye, "is because once WE become saints and blow the whistle on this whole scumbag-to-saint scam, then everybody who's left stuck in the world, when they see an utter fucking scumbag they won't be able to just say anymore 'oh he or she is JUST an utter fucking scumbag,' but they'll have to stop and think, 'now, this utter fucking scumbag may be an utter fucking scumbag not because he or she actually IS an utter fucking scumbag, but because he or she had wanted so desperately to become a great loving saint that they have made the greatest possible sacrifice to try to get there but have maybe made a wrong choice, or not tried HARD enough, or maybe they just came along at the wrong time and there just weren't enough slots for saints open at that time even though he or she had done everything he or she possibly could and in other times would have unquestionably become a saint, or maybe he or she SHOULD have been a saint this time but some behind-the-scenes shenanigans had caused him or her to be unjustly aced out of an otherwise totally deserved sainthood...' -- and so, if you're in a world where every time you see an utter fucking scumbag you have to think all this, then you'll probably never be able to decide or think or act and, as a result of mass inertia, the world will evaporate back to pure information, without pattern or memory."

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