by Most Fucked-Up Person Alive
Human/Software Group
165 pages
ISBN : 0-922950-66-0
In a stunning indictment of all cultures, a renowned forensic psycho-pharmacologist argues that inevitable death is not coded in the genes, but rather, is transmitted outside the genome, by culture itself.
The author systematically examines every known culture, across all history, and in each case, finds the single element or set of elements that leads to the death of every individual member of that culture. Thus proving the theory beyond any possible doubt.
In his previous books, Blow the Rich, Eat the Poor and Vermin and Children First, the author has helped focus the thinking of whole generations on the critical problem of not enough drugs, and, subsequently, on the even more critical problem of not enough strong enough drugs.
By the time you reach the end of this book, at the very least, you will have understood why so many millions of people, world-wide, have joined the "Eradicate Culture -- Live Forever!" movement. And why maybe you should consider getting onboard its stinking bandwagon, yourself.
Due June 6, 1995
from Cognitec/3rd Force Books
Copyright © 1995 by Cognitec/3rd Force Software, Inc.,
all rights reserved.