18 - Most Fucked-Up Person Alive Tells All

will love you and quickly forget about it all -- just as I've already forgotten about it. Case closed!"

But, of course, Governor Dishrag had been elected on the Progressive Spiritual-Capital ticket, which was steeped in the modern mythology of how it's more righteous to buy off or brainwash a problem group than to kill it.


I bought a car without a muffler and drove around town for a while.

Eventually, I came to a place where the road continued in one direction, and skid marks showed you could also swerve sharply right and

Most Fucked-Up Person Alive Tells All - 19

head across a broad field.

I followed the tire tracks, with the hope of winding up someplace new, where the constitution had been written by maybe a few hundred psychopaths scattered around the world, connected to each other only by tin-can-to-satellite groupware with a bandwidth of, like 10 bits every day or so.

But after only a few miles, I was stopped by a small detachment of Sony Guard, and arrested for some old presidential assassination attempts they'd found on my record when they ran a check on me.