"And when people were happy, they only did it to
make Satan feel even worse, and to help introduce
her to whole new dimensions of pain.
"Worst of all for Satan, every time she fucked-up
really bad, she found herself praying for
I stopped there, skipping a few of the finer
points, and Professor Our thanked me.
"That's it," he said. "Exactly! -- Class
Because we'd gotten through the material so quickly, we were given the rest of the semester |
off, and that allowed me to accept a part-time job with Nuclear Proliferators Anonymous. Their motto and national anthem was: "Hey baby, how about some (more) Plutonium?"
They also had the reputation for being a no-bullshit crew, and my first day on the team, the captain had said to me, "OK, private, now let's just get past content, and get right down to syntactics. Right down to nitty-gritty meta-linguistics." Even though we were clearly just a bunch of lame assholes just jerkin' around, he was singularly dedicated to transforming us, almost